Many of us consume tons of real estate related media on a daily basis. For my time investment, I love reading the MANSION section of the WSJ every Friday. A group of very talented (and in touch) reporters work this beat and they cover a wide range of real estate related articles, trends and developments with taste and a local knowledge that's unbeatable IMO.
Today, for instance, Sanette Tanaka writes about home staging and its impact on the impressions of potential buyers (HERE, no subscription required for this article). The topic is a scholarly paper and study, "The Impact of Staging Conditions on Residential Real Estate Demand," which has been accepted by the Journal of Housing Research for future publication at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. It features a study of 800 potential home buyers and their reactions to the home staging environment.
A WSJ subscription is one the investments I make each year and Mansion is one of the reasons they retain me as a customer. Check it out!